Top 7 Best Workers Compensation Lawyers in Lexington
Workers’ compensation laws were made to ensure that workers would be brought back to health should they get hurt while on the job. However, sometimes, employers may try to delay or deny their workers the compensation they are due, which can mean permanently lost wages, mounting medical bills, and a loss in quality of living and ability to work. That’s where a workers’ compensation lawyer can become an invaluable resource. Their expertise and knowledge can help you identify evidence, and they can provide you with strong representation as they help you appeal a denial. What’s more, those attorneys can help you also spot other avenues of compensation, such as third-party negligence. Trying to get the compensation you need to make a full recovery can be stressful but finding the best workers’ compensation lawyer for your case doesn’t have to be. With the lists of TopResearched, you’ll be able to find Lexington’s best workers’ compensation lawyers in quick time!
Browse the Top Workers Compensation Lawyers in Lexington, Kentucky below.
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Becker Law Office Injury Lawyers
Boasting over 30,000 injured clients helped, the Becker Law Office knows how your life can get completely upended by an injury. If a workplace injury has thrown a wrench into your life, let the Becker Law Office hold your employer accountable, so that you can get the workers’ compensation coverage that you deserve after all your hard work. Even in situations where workers’ compensation laws might not apply, they can help you look for third-party negligence that may aid you in finding reprieve.
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Bradly Slutskin, Attorney At Law
For over 20 years, Bradly Slutskin has been serving the people of Kentucky for their various injuries, including those suffered in the workplace. There are a variety of injuries that can affect the way and amount your workers’ compensation is given. Bradly Slutskin can help you navigate the steps and make sure that you’re getting what you’re entitled to. Should there be a denial, he can help you fight for what you need to afford the recovery you deserve.
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Clark Law Office
Strong representation and creative strategy, this is how the attorneys at the Clark Law Office help their clients in taking on employers and insurance companies. They know how hard people work and how they ought to receive their workers’ compensation for their workplace injuries. Whether they need to investigate medical reports from company-referred doctors to searching for additional sources of negligence and fault, they’ll strive to look for every avenue of compensation that’s open to you, so that you can get to healing.
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Hare Wynn Accident & Injury Lawyers
For over a century, Hare Wynn has been helping clients like you in finding compensation for a variety of injuries, such as workplace injuries and getting workers’ compensation. But they’ve had many years to learn the ways that workers’ compensation works in Kentucky. With their expertise, they can help you press for your well-deserved workers’ compensation as well as pursue any additional compensation made available by potential third parties, defective products, and more.
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Harris Federal Law Firm
Unique to the Harris Federal Law Firm, they stand up for the federal employees of Kentucky, including federal workers who’ve suffered work-related injuries. When federal workers are denied their workers’ compensation, the Harris Federal Law Firm is there to step in and bolster their client’s chances in the appeal process. If you’re a federal employee, Harris Federal has the specialized knowledge and skills you need!
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Varellas & Varellas
If you’ve suffered injury at your workplace, chances are you’re eligible for some workers’ compensation to aid you in your recovery—but when your employer tries to short you or outright deny you that compensation, you owe it to yourself to find every option possible. With Varellas & Varellas, those options can become available, and they can help you achieve the compensation you need to recover and get back on your feet.
- Reputation: Excellent!
- Experience: 40+ Years of Combined Experience
- Awards and Qualifications:
AVVO Rating of 9.8 Superb - Fees: Contingency Fee, Free Consultation
- Accessibility: B+ (24/7 Phone Number, Email)
Wilson & McQueen, PLLC
Being unable to work because of a workplace injury can greatly impact a person’s quality of life and their ability to do something about it. That’s why Wilson & McQueen has dedicated decades to helping clients like you who need their workers’ compensation. Whether your employer is trying to slow down the process or deny you compensation, Wilson & McQueen can help you press for what you need to afford the costs of recovering and getting back to your life.
More About Workers Compensation Lawyers in Lexington, KY
All workplaces in Kentucky are expected to be as safe as possible, with employers following every regulation and ensuring that the workplace is free of potential hazards that may cause employees grievous injury. But sometimes, that doesn’t happen, and then a worker gets injured and requires aid to recover. That’s where workers’ compensation comes in—but it doesn’t always go as smoothly as it sounds on paper.
Some employers might be reluctant to let their employee get their workers’ compensation—they may try to delay the process or even outright deny the worker their workers’ compensation, they might claim that your injury didn’t even happen at work or that it wouldn’t have happened if not for a negligent act on your part. But that doesn’t have to be the end of it. With the help of TopResearched, you can find a workers’ compensation lawyer who can aid you in building a case to appeal a denial or push for your workers’ compensation to be processed and to stop it from being delayed.
It can feel almost hopeless after getting denied workers’ compensation. Workers’ compensation lawyers can be the advocate you need to pursue the compensation that you’re entitled to. Most people don’t realize that a denial can be appealed, and with a workers’ compensation lawyer, you’ll have a knowledge expert who knows how to argue for your case. Furthermore, a workers’ compensation lawyer can help you discover if there are any other causes that contributed to your injury, causes that may further add to your total compensation, such as defective products, exposure to toxic chemicals, and third-party liabilities.
There are almost 100,000 businesses in the city of Lexington—trying to find the best workers’ compensation lawyers in the second-largest city of Kentucky can be a challenging task, especially when you’re in pain and should be focusing on getting better. Luckily, there is TopResearched to help you. With our easy-to-read list of the Top Workers’ Compensation Lawyers in Lexington, finding a strong advocate is as quick as a few clicks right here on our site. Recovering from a workplace injury is stressful enough, eliminating the stress of searching for an attorney with TopResearched!
The TopResearched Selection Process
We find the industry experts in your area through a double-selection process of research, comparison, and verification. During the first stage, we gather the experts based on a single industry in your area that match our preliminary standards. Then, for the second stage, we use our stringent rating criteria to begin further separating the highest ranked from the rest collected. This helps make sure that you’re only seeing the best of the best industry experts in your area!
Here’s a breakdown of the rating criteria that our researchers use to sort the best from the rest before placing them into our curated lists:
Frequently asked questions
Browse through related frequently asked questions curated by the TopResearched team.
How Long Does It Take for a Workers’ Compensation Case to be Settled or Won?
Workers’ compensation cases can take anywhere from a handful of months to as long as a couple years, depending on the nature of your injuries, the length of your medical treatments, and whether there are further claims that need to be made against third parties for additional compensation. All of these factors and more can play a part in how long it will take to fully compensate you for your workplace injuries.
What Does Your Reputation Metric Mean?
Before you hire an attorney, it always helps to know if they are trusted amongst other clients and if they have what it takes to help your case. That’s why TopResearched uses a Reputation Metric to give our readers a snapshot of how well each featured law firm has been received by past clients. Factors we take into account include case results, average review scores, and even social media engagement.
What Does a Contingency Fee Mean?
When a law firm mentions working for a contingency fee, it means that you will not need to pay for any upfront fees for their attorney services. Instead, they will charge you a certain percentage of your total compensation only if they succeed in settling or winning your workers’ compensation case. However, there are other fee structures that an attorney or law firm may use, such as Hourly and Fixed/Flat.
Are Experience and Qualifications/Awards Important?
Both of these Metrics can help you better understand the capabilities of the law firm that you’re looking at. A lawyer with a great deal of experience is usually equipped with more strategies in how to build a good case, so that their clients have a better chance at appealing a denial or in pressuring their employer to process their workers’ compensation. Meanwhile, a lawyer with a good number of qualifications and awards can be a good sign that they are keen professionals who excel at getting good results for their clients. One such award is the Multi-Million Dollar Advocates Forum, recognizing lawyers who’ve achieved exemplary amounts of compensation for their clients, which involves having a good sense of finding evidence and support for their client’s case.
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